Your Newborn Baby
Many newborn babies can be unsettled in the first few weeks or months or may have issues related to their birth. This course will give you information about the most common issues we see in newborn babies at our paediatric clinic. From digestive disorders to sleep to flat head, we cover many conditions you may not have even have heard of yet, but may be essential to know about all the same.
We will give you information about how to recognise the various conditions and more importantly, who to go to for help. All this in addition to the practical information we include about crying, feeding and looking after yourself.
Look at all that's covered below!
Let us help you become the best possible advocate for your newborn baby by arming you with the information you need.
Your Newborn Baby
Our Online Courses
All our online courses are created with the purpose of providing information for parents. We genuinely hope that they can offer you support during the early weeks and if your little one is unsettled, a successful solution to your concerns. As parents of 4 wonderful children ourselves, we only want to help others to enjoy those magical years by giving you our solutions to some of the frequently occurring conditions that can disrupt your little one’s life.
We also have a course that is specifically for parents of a reflux baby, helping them identify and treat the cause and any remaining symptoms.