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Baby Reflux - A New Approach
Section 1
Introduction (5:12)
Disclaimer (1:04)
Reflux Symptom Tracker
Section 2
What is Baby Reflux? (8:08)
Section 3
What causes baby reflux? (8:07)
The most common cause of baby reflux. (15:15)
The Most frequently missed cause of baby reflux. (15:58)
The importance of midline. (3:22)
The day your baby is born. (7:44)
Your baby's gut health. (4:40)
The art of swallowing air. (2:52)
Noisy breathing and the link to reflux. (3:36)
Causes of Baby Reflux Q & A (2:48)
Cow's Milk Protein Allergy - What you need to know.
Tongue Tie - What you need to know.
Tongue Tie Practitioners
Torticollis - What you need to know.
Eosinophilic Oesophagitis
Flat Head in Babies - What you need to know.
Bottles and Teats
Paced Feeding
Other Words for Dairy
Foods to avoid if you suspect your breast fed baby may have a Cow's Milk Protein Allergy
Section 4
Common Myths (3:11)
Section 5
Signs and Symptoms of Baby Reflux (19:29)
Signs and Symptoms Q & A (4:14)
Reflux Symptom Checker
Why is baby crying?
Arched back crying
Your GP Visit Checklist
Section 6
The Stepped Approach (13:20)
Anti Reflux Formulas (6:48)
Managing Baby Reflux Top Tips (6:28)
Soothers (2:41)
Managing Baby Reflux Q & A (6:22)
How to Transition onto an Anti-Reflux Formula
How to transition onto a different testing formula
Reflux Products
Practical Tips for Reflux Babies
How much should your baby be drinking?
How to reduce the feeds while maintaining the 24 hour volume
Paced Feeding - What you need to know.
Food to avoid if you are breastfeeding a reflux baby with a suspected or diagnosed milk allergy.
Fast Let Down
Bottles and Teats
Baby Slings and Carriers
Anti-Reflux Formulas - Shake or Stir
Sleep and Nap Schedule
Section 7
Baby Reflux Medications (10:14)
Poor Weight Gain (3:37)
Centile Charts
Boys 0-4 years growth chart
Girls 0-4 years growth chart
Section 8
Long Term Conditions (4:16)
Section 9
Frank Kelleher Paediatric Osteopath (0:39)
A Paediatric Osteopathic Treatment (4:05)
Section 10
Hey Mama, you're doing a great job! (3:51)
Post Natal Depression
The Most frequently missed cause of baby reflux.
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